Saturday, April 9, 2016

Saturday Spotlight: Post Secret

Every Sunday, I go to and spy on other peoples' secrets.  They make or buy a postcard, write their secret on it, then mail it anonymously to Frank Warren, who runs the website.  The story goes, he was a student doing an art project for college, and his idea was to hand out blank, self-addressed postcards for people to use for anonymous secrets.  Well, the idea was a great one, and it picked up steam until people were -very creatively sometimes- making their own to send in.  He's ended up with enough postcards to post a long list of them on his website every week and publish seven hardcover books full of the most interesting ones.  I have four of the books.

One is actually signed.  Frank Warren did a thing on Facebook once, where if you like & share or whatever, he'd pick one name at random and send an autographed book and a real actual secret that he received in the mail.  I won!

So, go on.  Give me something to look at next Sunday.  Make a postcard and send it to:

Post Secret
13345 Copper Ridge Rd
Germantown, MD

Or, if you want you can even send a donation.  He gives the money to a suicide hotline called HopeLine and they've raised over a million dollars so far.  True story.  They also do art exhibits (I've been to one) and he does speaking engagements.  Check out the website, you'll see.  Here's a link.  ----->  This here.

But maybe prescreen before you bring the kids, okay?  It's sometimes very heavy.

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