Saturday, October 22, 2016

Spotlight Saturday - Found Footage 3D

New movie alert! It's called Found Footage 3D and it's so good! It's about a film crew making a found footage movie (in 3D, which is ridiculous, as stated in the movie itself). The crew ends up in an actual haunted house and they all get killed, as is the tradition in found footage movies.
Okay, look. I'm doing a terrible job of describing this movie but it's actually really great. At Fear Fete last weekend I watched about nine different movies and they were all terrible except for two of them. One was this and I'll tell you about the other in a minute.  First though, as a disclaimer I would like to add that I hate found footage movies. They're all garbage, except Blair Witch. And that was only good one time through! But this one is really good and it will stand up over time, I think.
The second movie I liked was a short and it's called Girl #2. I can't find it anywhere online, or even anything about it but it will not disappoint you if you can find it. If you want to find info on Found Footage 3D, it's on IMDb. It's also got a Twitter account, @FoundFootage3D. It's just in film festivals and things like that right now, but if we like, follow, clamor, etc we should be able to get it in theaters eventually. It's actually really good, you guys. Check it out.

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