Monday, November 23, 2015

Mitch Grassi

In my last post, I mentioned that I had mailed two letters, and the first one was obviously to Steven Moffat, so by now you're all (both?  haha) probably wondering who got the second one.  As the title suggests, it was Mitch Grassi, the tenor from the Grammy-award-winning, super-famous a cappella group Pentatonix.  I kind of hate to single out one member of a group when all of them are so hugely talented (and that Avi ain't too hard on the eyes, either).  In fact, Mitch doesn't even do lead vocals on most of their songs.  That would be Scott Hoying, who's the other half of Superfruit, an adorably fun YouTube sensation (maybe leave the small kids home while you watch their videos, though).  Here's what I wrote to Mitch, adjusted a bit to better fit the format around here.  He's another super busy guy, with a nearly constant touring schedule so I'm not sure I expect a response but if I get one, you'll hear about it.
"I just love Mitch's voice so deeply, down to the very core of my being because of the way it hits me.  It's not the way it sounds, but the way it feels. It feels sweet, clear, effortless and golden; so, so golden.  Have you ever been outside on the beach or in a field during sunset?  You know the exact moment that the air turns to gold? Everyone looks backlit from every direction and they're all wearing those glistening auras.  You can feel that halo subconsciously even while you're having too much fun in the moment to acknowledge it.  When Mitch Grassi sings Valentine, he pours that gold into me and it just... hits me.  It stops me in my tracks every single time, draws the air from my lungs and makes me nostalgic for a moment that I didn't even know was important to me.  But it is important.  Because creating that kind of beauty is, simply put, impossible.  To accomplish the impossible is what life is about, and it's a wonderful thing to witness." 
So basically, I played it totally cool.

Check them out on Youtube or watch their documentary on Netflix
Look at their website
On Twitter, find:

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