Monday, November 16, 2015

Steven Moffat

Strangely enough, the only two letters I've written to celebrities so far were not to people I've admired for decades, or who shaped my psyche as a child.  My first one was to Steven Moffat, the head writer for Doctor Who.  I sent off my rough draft without making any sort of copy so I don't really remember it well enough to relate it all to you now.  Off to a great start with this blogging thing, eh?  It was a very short, quick note about how the first episode of this season (The Magician's Apprentice) was the best episode of anything that I've ever seen. 
Now, you'll see in the future that I exaggerate and speak mostly in hyperbole, but honestly I stand by what I said this time.  The jokes were all winners, the surprises all worked for me and we all knew the cliffhanger ending was coming so the only disappointment there was that it came too soon. One of Moffat's strengths is suspense.  The man can build suspense like no other! He plants questions in your mind and makes you think everything is a clue.  If I had a nickel for every time he had me overthinking an issue until I made myself so crazy that the actual answer was a let-down... well, my pocket would jingle when I walked, I guess.  But this episode, the suspense was agonizing (in a good way, of course) but the payoffs were equally huge.  It was so good that I grabbed a pen and wrote my first piece of fan mail the next day. 
Man, now I'm hoping I didn't oversell it so that anyone who hasn't seen it thinks I'm some sort of crackpot after they do! Aaaaaanyway...
I only included this story because, guess what?  HE WROTE BACK! Actually, there's that exaggeration I told you that you could expect.  It was really just TL;DR in postcard form.  An assistant sent it, but he signed it himself, and I'm totally willing to tell myself that that's what happened and it's definitely not a stamped-on signature.  Don't be silly, of course it's not!  Okay, it is.  But I still love my little postcard either way.  Here it is:
So that's my bit of excitement for today.  I thought it was a great place to start.  If you have any questions or comments, leave them below.  In the mean time, go check out Doctor Who, why dontcha? It's on Netflix and it's seriously the best if you like Sci-Fi at all.

***Edit- The Netflix goons took away our precious Doctor! It's not on there anymore.***

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