Saturday, February 27, 2016


There's no spotlight this weekend, folks.  Just some good old nerdy fun!  Two years ago, I attended my first con, CoastCon in Biloxi, MS.  I didn't know what to expect, but when I got there I found MY PEOPLE.  I don't exactly know how to describe the people there, but if you've ever been to a con... that.  It was them.  They were me.  My focus that first year was learning about professional writing and about the sci-fi and fantasy genres.  I sat in panels by authors Kelly Armstrong (you know her from Bitten, which is now a Syfy show) and Derek Dykes, who you'll read more about next Saturday.  I also met John de Lancie (Q from Star Trek: TNG) and I had a blast!

Last year, my focus was more on cosplay and learning about techniques and getting ideas.  I'm absolutely not putting any of what I learned to use this year, as my life is becoming very hectic but my husband built me a costume last year that honestly should've won something in my opinion.  It looked just as good as (almost) anything else there, but it was definitely not as technologically advanced or as labor intensive, and that was my downfall.  I realize I'm biased, because my husband is hands-down a genius in my eyes, but still.  It was cool.  Here, look.

See? The coolest.  I even found out later that someone had written about me on her blog.  I was pretty excited.  Even though the guys in the Transformers cosplay legitimately were much cooler than me.  They worked in an auto body shop for a living and used real car body parts. 

This year, I'm focusing on Role Playing Games.  I would really like to try them out and see if I like them or not.  I have a friend who recommended I try a few online games but I'd rather start out with people around who can help me in person.  I'm in my mid-thirties, after all.  I'm too old for all this online tech support business!  Just kidding, but for real.  I'm hoping to have a lot of fun this year.  I guess you'll find out in a couple of weeks when I write about it. 

Until then, let me know which games you think I should try, either table top or online. Thanks in advance for the advice.  And don't forget to hit subscribe and check out my other posts.

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