Monday, February 15, 2016


Do you ever get food cravings? When I was pregnant, I craved foods all the time, and even when I'm not I get the occasional hankering.  What's weird, though, is that I often get weird cravings to watch certain movies.  (NOT compulsions.  Because... just... not compulsions.)  There's a short list of movies that I often feel the need to watch right away, (like The Goonies every time it rains, or Harry Potter every weekend, since ABC Family plays marathons so often) and one of them is Clueless.  If you have kids or, I guess, if you are a kid, and you need a quick example of what the 90s were all about just pop in Clueless.  You got your sweater vests, you got your baby doll tees, you got your plaid miniskirts with knee socks... you can even find skaters in JINCOs.  And if you need proof that the movie is completely magical, consider this: for the entire first half of the movie, you didn't even notice that Paul Rudd was a total Baldwin. 

In French class, the teacher let us pick one or two movies to buy with French dubbed over and the one that won the vote by a landslide was Clueless. I voted for The Lion King, by the way, which we eventually also got, so it all worked out.   Almost everyone who picked Clueless wanted it because they wanted to learn to say 'virgin' in another language, but the joke was on them because it's just 'virgin' with a French accent.

Now, if you're my age and female you might be able to commiserate with me.  I am the same age as Cher.  So, when she was trying to pass her driver's test ("Oops! Should I leave a note?") I was also 16.  I legitimately got into that movie for the 12 and under price, because when we walked up to the counter, they automatically assumed we wanted one child and one adult (the last time that happened to me was six days after my 17th birthday).  When I watched that movie and saw what Cher looked like at 16 years old... well, I was not instilled with a great deal of confidence.  If this also happened to you, please let me help you feel a little bit better.  Cher may have been 16, but Alicia Silverstone was NOT! She was 19.  So that made me feel better.  By 19 I looked at least 13 or 14.  So.  Whew. Good. 

I actually grabbed this from
Anyway, if you haven't seen it lately, give it a go and let me know how it holds up for you.  I still love it, and I hope you do too!  Comment down below.

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