Thursday, March 24, 2016

Hunger Games

Here's the thing about me: I don't usually watch movies until they're on Netflix or TV, so all the movies I've seen are usually a zillion years old (hence all the 80s movies on my blog).  My awesome friend Candice recently introduced me to an app called Show Box, though, and I've used it to watch ALL KINDS OF MOVIES!!! I'm super in love with it, so thanks, Candice.  I watched The Hunger Games on TV a while back, so when I saw the rest of them on Show Box I watched them all right away... except for the last one, which wasn't out until Tuesday.  I'm on vacation this week, so I waited until everyone else went to bed and watched it on my phone Tuesday night and man, was it worth it!

North American first edition cover

I don't have a lot of reading time, but I try to do what I can, like I read Mayhem, the sequel to Madness by Derek Dykes (you can read about that here) on the plane Saturday.  The best compromise I've found is audiobooks.  They're free from the library and I can listen to them while I drive.  The book versions of these are, as usual, better than the movies.  I'm only on the second one but I'm really enjoying it. Suzanne Collins is definitely a new favorite of mine and I hope to read a lot more from her.   She also has a five-part series called The Underland Chronicles so I'm trying those at some point, for sure.

So the movies are great, as I probably don't need to tell you.  I'm surely the last one to see them.  I really just love Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson in those movies, and Julianne Moore's hair was wonderful!  It was nice to see Phillip Seymour Hoffman again and he was brilliant as ever.  What a great actor he was.  I'm obviously in love with Lenny Kravitz just like everyone else, and I'd have loved to see more of him.  His character is actually way more important in the books, so if you haven't read them and you liked Cinna you'll like the books too.  Anyway, I just really always suggest reading.  Reading is FUNdamental, ya know!  Get to it.

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