Friday, March 18, 2016

Saturday Spotlight: Star Trek: Timelines

Remember a while back when I said I wanted to learn some stuff about RPGs?  And then remember when I didn't?  So my friend Autumn suggested that I find some online but I messed up somehow.  I did find an app called Star Trek: Timelines which I guess I mistook for that but when I figured out what it was it still looked fun, so I got it.  It's free to download and free to play but I guess it's way less frustrating if you buy Dilithuim.  That stuff apparently makes it way better, but since I'm really inexperienced I just don't know how much fun I COULD be having, so it's fine free for me.  I spend kind of a lot of time playing it and my kids actually love it too.  They used to become heartbroken when I'd try to sneak off and play without them.  They each have an old iPhone that doesn't have any service, so when I got tired of hearing them over my shoulder yelling, "play Picard, Mama!" for every mission, I put it on The Villain's phone so they could play it on there.  The Bookworm's phone was too old, so if you have a really old iPhone look out for that.  Mine's an Android so no problems there.

The Villain playing Staw Fwack on his own stinkin' phone!

The thing that's fun about it is that it mixes the timelines all up together and you could have a crew including Kirk, Picard and Sisko together.  Of course, that wouldn't be the most effective combination of skills for most missions but you could totally do it.  The frustrating part is that I'm completely new to the whole gaming universe so I don't know what anything means or how to figure out the things that I need to know to advance and all of the advice and tips online are super general about how to get started and what all the different features of the game ARE and not how to use them in the most effective ways.  Like, you'll find articles and videos that tell you how to earn and use training for your guys, but not why the yellow number won't just DISAPPEAR ALREADY! when you're done training or why you can't train anymore after a certain point.  That kind of thing.  I eventually figure things out but if I could just ask someone it would be more fun for me.  There is a message board but it's too quick for me and mostly social.  I don't dig it.  Gone and got too old, I guess. 

Oh, well.  It's still really super fun.  I love it and I recommend you try it, too.  I heard that company, Disruptor Beam, actually started with a similar game for Game of Thrones and I'm really excited to try that one.  Wish me luck!  And follow Star Trek: Timelines on Twitter for more news and stuff.  And OH MY GOSH, HOW COULD I FORGET?!?! It's voiced by John deLancie, who played Q on TNG!!!

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